Ad Hoc Climate Justice



Programs in this Series

Format: 2024-09-16
Format: 2024-09-16
Making It Real Forum On Energy & Climate - 08/12/2018
From Jerome Lipani: Presented by the Climate Justice Convergence and Energy Forum, August 12, 2018 sponsored by the Toxics Action Center, VT Sierra Club, Sierra Club of Maine, North American Megadam Resistance Alliance, 350Vermont, Central Vermont...
Extinction Rebellion - Direct Action/ PUC Hearing - 07/23/2018
From Jerome Lipani: Noverco, the Canadian company that owns Green Mountain Power and Vermont Gas Systems, through several intermediary companies, is seeking permission from the Public Utilities Commission to buy out the public shareholders in...
Exploring Climate Change in Vermont: Episode 6 - 07/01/2018
From Jerome Lipani: Featuring Full Moon Organic Farm, Lt. Governor David Zuckerman - Hinesburg, VT
PSA Divest the Globe - 10/23/2017
From Jerome Lipani: The Upper Valley Affinity Group presents Divest the Globe! in solidarity with Global Days of Action Against the Banks that Fund Fossil Fuels. October 23, 2017
Public Utilities Commission Status Conference re: VT Gas Systems - 10/10/2017
From Jerome Lipani: The VT Public Utilities Commission Status Conference re: Vermont Gas Systems Compliance with current Certificate of Public Good - October 10, 2017 - complete meeting
PSA Starhawk In Montpelier - 09/26/2017
From Jerome Lipani: Trailer for Complete Version of Workshop.
Starhawk - Collaboration in the Climate Movement - 09/26/2017
From Jerome Lipani: 350Vermont sponsored this Workshop by movement elder, Starhawk, in exploration of a methodology of collaboration, co-creation and empowerment within the Climate Movement. At the Unitarian Church, Montpelier, Vermont, September 26...
PSA Vermont Divests State Funds From TD Bank! - 09/14/2017
From Jerome Lipani: September 14, 2017 - State Treasurer Trades Environmental Disaster for EB-5 Corruption ? Geoffrey Gardner of The Upper Valley Affinity Group comments on the State of Vermont's recent decision to withdraw all its funds from...
Ecology and Geology of Vermont - 09/05/2017
From Jerome Lipani: Come learn about the history of Vermont land, presented by Eric Hanson, conservation biologist of the Vermont Center for Ecostudies and coordinator of the Vermont Loon Conservation Project. Vermont is at the crossroads of several...
Forum: Coalition Against the Pipeline & Department of Public Service - 02/22/2017
From Jerome Lipani: Essentialized edit of the Public Forum granted by the VT Department of Public Service Commissioner Jean Tierney following the Coalition Against the Pipeline's Sit-down in the DPS office on February 6. Activists reveal...
Water Protectors' Victory Occupation! NoDAPL! Divest From TD Bank! - 12/05/2016
From Jerome Lipani: Why Standing Rock Matters to Vermonters Nearly 200 million dollars of Vermont taxpayer money is deposited in TD Bank. Toronto Dominion has a 9.4% investment in the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL), a project that violates the treaty...
Burning Books' Pickering Resists Years of FBI Surveillance - 11/05/2016
From Jerome Lipani: Animal Rights and Ecological Activist-Educator Leslie James Pickering, Goddard graduate founder /owner of Burning Books anarchist bookstore in Buffalo, New York, tells of 20 years-long FBI investigative intimidation tactics meant...
Geprags Park Pipeline Protest - 10/20/2016
From Jerome Lipani: Luci Imbach, a senior at the University of Vermont. made this five minute video documentation of the 11/20/16 Geprags Park fracked gas pipeline protest in Hinesburg. in Solidarity with Standing Rock! as her final project in Brian...
Geprags Park Activists and Conservation Law Foundation Challenge to VT PSB - 09/07/2016
From Jerome Lipani: Part 1: Activists comment on violation of the public trust re: eminent domain proceedings @ Geprags Park which were supported by recent PBS ruling; express Solidarity with Standing Rock pipeline Resistance.Part 2: Conservation...
Changing Climate: A Compassionate Response - 05/13/2016
From Jerome Lipani: Panel Discussion, featuring:Gene Allyn Field, abbot, Upper Valley Zen centerAnne Kapuscinski, professor of Environmental Science, DartmouthMichael Ciborski, founder and teacher, Morning Sun Buddhist Comm.Miles Sherts, author of...

Featured Story

CCTV Center for Media & Democracy Participates in Democracy Day

CCTV Center for Media and Democracy on September 13 at 1 p.m. hosts a panel of local community thought leaders on the state of local democracy and their experiences navigating the policital system and working for social and political change. Participating panelists include: Sandy Baird, activist and lawyer; CD Mattison, DNC delegate and political campaigner; Ali Dieng, Former Burlington City Councilor and New American Leader; Pelin Kohn, VT League of Women Voters. This program and the articles below are part of U.S. Democracy Day, a nationwide collaborative on Sept. 15, the International Day of Democracy, in which news organizations cover how democracy works and the threats it faces. To learn more, visit


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