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We love to hear from you! Please contact us with your questions and suggestions.

CCTV Center for Media & Democracy
Town Meeting TV
CCTV Archives

CCTV Productions
Vermont Language Justice Project

Phone: 802.862.3966/ 802.862.1645
Location: 294 North Winooski Avenue, Burlington VT 05401-3680
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Town Meeting TV- Co-Directors Jordan Mitchell + Steven Heron (maketv [at] cctv [dot] org)
CCTV - Co-Directors Meghan O'Rourke (morourke [at] cctv [dot] org) + Mohamad Al Rubaie (business [at] cctv [dot] org)
Business Office - Mohamad Al Rubaie (business [at] cctv [dot] org)


Mohamad Al-Rubaie, CCTV Business Manager + CCTV Co-Director, business [at] cctv [dot] org x 110

Michael Blood, Production Associate, mblood [at] cctv [dot] org

Emily Brewer, Marketing + Outreach Coordinator, ebrewer [at] cctv [dot] org x117

Lauren-Glenn Davitian, Public Policy Director, davitian [at] cctv [dot] org x112 (s/h)

Kevin Harms, Senior Production Associate, kharms [at] cctv [dot] org x120

Steven Heron, TMTV Co-Director & CCTV Productions, sheron [at] cctv [dot] org, productions [at] cctv [dot] org x113

Chris Laviolette, Content Curator + Archive Associate, claviolette [at] cctv [dot] org, airtimes [at] cctv [dot] org x115

Bobby Lussier, Development Director, dev [at] cctv [dot] org (any pronouns) x124

Jordan Mitchell, TMTV Co-Director & CCTV Archives, jmitchell [at] cctv [dot] org, archive [at] cctv [dot] org, maketv [at] cctv [dot] org x126 (s/h)

Olivia Moseley, Vermont Language Justice Project Manager, omoseley [at] cctv [dot] org 

Meghan O'Rourke, CCTV Co-Director, morourke [at] cctv [dot] org x116

Alison Segar, Vermont Language Justice Project Director, asegar [at] cctv [dot] org x125

Travis Washington, Media Educator + Field Producer, twashington [at] cctv [dot] org x333

Luna Zeitlyn, Digital Video Engineer, lzeitlyn [at] cctv [dot] org


Steve Diffenderfer
Charlie Giannoni
Logan Skinner
Travis Washington
Andrew Zurheide

Contact field producers through maketv [at] cctv [dot] org