Form - Based Codes: What, Where & Why?
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National and local speakers come together to answer the big questions about Form Based Codes: what are they, where are they being used, and why are they being considered in Burlington? The panel provides a range of information and perspectives on creating and using form-based development standards as part of local land use regulations.
Panelists include: Lee Einsweiler from Code Studio in Austin, TX, who’s a national expert on the creation of land development codes, speaking about the use of building form elements in zoning codes from a national perspective. Regina Mahoney, AICP, from the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission, shares the experiences of other Vermont towns in incorporating form-based codes into land use regulations. David White, AICP, Director of the Burlington Dept. of Planning & Zoning, provides context on why Burlington is crafting form-based regulations and how they will fit into the context of the City’s existing zoning. Andy Montroll, Planning Commissioner & Chair of the City’s Joint Form-Based Code Committee, speaks to the Joint City Council & Planning Commission process being used to develop Burlington's own code and its most important features.
For More Information: Link to Agenda here
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