Burlington Planning Commission
Planning Commissions are created under the authority enabled under Vermont State Statute 24 VSA Chapter 117 § 4325, which outlines their roles and responsibilities. This commission of citizen volunteers has the responsibility of developing, and recommending to the City Council, overall land use and development policy for the City. This typically takes two forms - first, the development of land use plans and capacity studies, and second, the development of land use regulations (subdivision bylaws, zoning regulations, etc). Final action on any plans, policies, and regulation developed by the Commission is taken by the City Council. The Planning Commission has no direct regulatory authority and does not review development proposals or issue permits. The Burlington Planning Commission is comprised of seven Burlington residents appointed by the City Council for a term of four consecutive years. The Commission meets on the first and third Tuesday of each month: Schedule for current year. More Info on position description and how to apply.Programs in this Series
Neighborhood Code Community Conversation
The Office of City Planning hosts a community conversation about how the Neighborhood Code can increase housing options across the city's neighborhoods through context-sensitive zoning changes. Learn about how zoning policies have changed...
Burlington Planning Commission with City Council Ordinance Committee
For more information: http://www.burlingtonvt.gov/pz
Burlington South End Innovation District Meeting
From the City of Burlington:
Having more housing located close to jobs, schools and other amenities is an important need in Burlington and across Vermont. The South End’s Enterprise District is home to a big collection of jobs—artists...
Burlington Planning Commission Special Joint Meeting with Development Review Board, Design Advisory Board, & Conservation Board
Information on the Burlington Development Review Board is under the City's Planning and Zoning Office.
Burlington Planning Commission - Public Hearing on Proposed Amendments to the Comprehensive Development Ordinance
This is a public hearing in front of the Burlington Planning Commission and the City Council Ordinance Committee to hear comments on proposed amendments to the City of Burlington’s Comprehensive Development Ordinance (CDO), including an...
Burlington Planning Commission
The Planning Commission's next meeting on the zoning amendment, a work session, is set for 6 p.m. on June 9th at the police department conference room on North Avenue.
Burlington Planning Commission meeting on Proposed CDO Amendment-...
Burlington Planning Commission
Burlington Planning Commission meeting on Proposed CDO Amendment - Downtown Mixed Use Core Overlay with Public Forum.
Form - Based Codes: What, Where & Why?
National and local speakers come together to answer the big questions about Form Based Codes: what are they, where are they being used, and why are they being considered in Burlington? The panel provides a range of information and perspectives on...
Burlington Planning Commission
Burlington Planning Commission Meeting. More info at www.burlingtonvt.gov/pz
Burlington Planning Commission Meeting Excerpt
Burlington Planning Commission Meeting excerpt. Agenda items: Mayor's Address to the Commission - Downtown Parking Amendment - Public Hearing: Urban Agriculture Standards. More infor at www.burlingtonvt.gov/pz
Burlington Planning Commission: Regular Meeting
Commission Agenda includes Neighborhood Improvement Nights and first presentation from Planning and Zoning staff on Historic Building Materials.
Burlington Planning Commission - UVM Zoning Changes 1/2
The Burlington Planning Commission hears presentations and discusses three zoning requests on the UVM Campus that were referred by the Joint Institutional Development Committee (JIDC). Watch the second part here.
Burlington Planning Commision - UVM Zoning Changes 2/2
The Burlington Planning Commission hears presentations and discusses three zoning requests on the UVM Campus that were referred by the Joint Institutional Development Committee (JIDC).
FAHC, UVM, and Champlain College Core Campuses; Downtown Use & Height 1/2
Burlington's Planning Commission.
Watch part 2 here.
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