Gary Younge, Author, Broadcaster and Columnist for The Guardian and The Nation speaks to the current events in our communities. Gary Younge was born in Britain to Barbadian parents. A reporter covering Europe, Africa, and the Caribbean before being appointed The Guardian's US correwspondent in 2003. In 2009 he won the prestigious James Cameron Award for 'combined moral vision and professional integrity.' Sponsored by: Will Miller Social Justice Lecture Series, United Academics, UVM Department of English, James and Mary Brigham Buckam Fund. Co-sponsors include: Green Mountain Veterans for Peace, Global Justice Ecology Project, International Socialist Organization. Part of the Will Miller Social Justice Lecture Series.
The Will Miller Social Justice Lecture series brings speakers to the UVM campus and the Burlington community to provide a continuing program of radical analyses of social, ecological and political concerns. The series is dedicated to Will Miller, Vermont’s activist philosopher and UVM Philosophy Professor for 35 years.