Community Media Public Benefit Bill: H.575 and S.181: Vermont Senate Committee on Finance - Testimony of S. 181 Community Media Public Benefit Bill

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Testimony of the Community Media Public Benefit Bill S.181 at the Senate Committee on Finance.

On Thursday, Senate Finance heard from Clare Buckley, Lobbyist for CTIA, the wireless industry association. Buckley presented an amendment to S.181 that CTIA requested to ensure that wireless providers would not be subject to the gross receipts tax on streaming providers. Later, Leg Counsel Kirby Keeton clarified that the definitions and language in draft 2.2 of S.181 should be sufficient to address the CTIA’s concerns. The Committee discussed voting on the bill, but decided to continue considering it until Friday.

S.181 Draft 2.2:,%20Amendments,%20and%20Legal%20Documents/S.181~Kirby%20Keeton~Draft%202.2,%203-13-2024~3-14-2024.pdf

