Community Media Public Benefit Bill: H.575 and S.181: Vermont Senate Committee on Finance - Discussion of S. 181 Community Media Public Benefit Bill

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Testimony of the Community Media Public Benefit Bill S.181 at the Senate Committee on Finance.

On Wednesday, the committee discussed the possibility of a streaming tax rather than a pole attachment tax, per the request of Senator Chittenden. They had legislative counsel in (Kirby Keeten). Senator Chittenden talked about the possibility of a 1% excise tax on streaming, but he didn’t know how much money that would raise. He expressed concern about more taxes for businesses, rather than on the consumers (confusing because the proposal is an excise tax). Senator Cummings talked about the franchise fees and their decline, and then this could be the alternative, but they don’t know how to do it.

S.181 as introduced:

