Community Media Public Benefit Bill: H.575 and S.181: Vermont House Floor - Discussion of H.657 Modernize Vermont’s Communications Taxes and Fees

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Discussion of H.657 a bill meant to modernize Vermont's communications taxes and fees on the House Floor.

Late on Thursday, H.657 was on the House Floor for presentation and debate, which lasted about an hour. Rep. Sims presented the bill, and 3rd reading was ordered for Friday on a voice vote. The main opposition to the bill came from Rep. Art Peterson, who asked a number of questions about different provisions in it. One topic in particular he wanted to know about was about pole attachments - where in the bill they were mentioned, how inventoried or assessed or taxed, etc. Rep. Sims clarified he might be referring to a previous iteration of the bill, in which there was a pole attachment fee intended to support the Vermont Access Network. She noted that the fee is now per linear foot, and there is nothing about pole attachments in the bill. On Friday, action on the bill was postponed until next week. 

H.657 Amendment:

