Community Media Public Benefit Bill: H.575 and S.181: Vermont House Committee on Ways and Means - Discussion of H.657 Modernize Vermont’s Communications Taxes and Fees

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Discussion of H.657 a bill meant to modernize Vermont's communications taxes and fees at the House Committee on Ways and Means.

On Thursday, the House Ways & Means Committee walked through a new draft of H.657, which as expected, had the PEG portions of the bill removed. Legislative Counsel Maria Royle noted that the pole attachment charge for PEG would be dealt with going forward as a Committee bill, and Chair Kornheiser said, “and that [bill] we will probably pick up next Wednesday.” On FRIDAY, the bill passed committee 12-0-0-.

Draft 1.4 H.657:,%20Draft%201.4~2-22-2024.pdf

