Community Media Public Benefit Bill: H.575 and S.181: Vermont House Committee on Government Operations - Walkthrough of S.55 Update to Open Meeting Law
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Walkthrough of S.55 Update to Open Meeting Law at the House Committee on Government Operations.
On Friday, the committee continued discussing S.55 - they had a walkthrough of Draft 1.3 of the bill from legislative counsel. A list of items changed/added in this draft are below:
- Added Hybrid Meeting definition
- Added Undue Hardship definition
- Defining Requests for access (who can ask, when they have to ask by, what undue hardship entails)
- Secretary of State providing training
- Adding threat of death or serious bodily injury to Local Incident
- Added requirement of posting recorded meetings within 24 hours
- Updated the Bill name to reflect the true intentions of the bill
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