Community Media Public Benefit Bill: H.575 and S.181: Vermont House Committee on Government Operations - Review of VAN FY25 Request

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Review of VAN FY25 Request at the House Committee on Government Operations.

The committee is including support for VAN’s one-time funding request of $1m in their budget memo. Great job with your outreach to this Committee! Details on their discussion this week is below:

On Thursday, the committee discussed their memo to House Appropriations regarding the FY25 Budget, listing their priorities for the year. Chair McCarthy noted that he will draft the memo this evening, and share it with the Committee tomorrow. Then they discussed what they wanted to put in the memo. Chair McCarthy talked about PEG TV stations and local access, and recognized that Paul Snyder was in the room. VAN is asking for $1M to backfill the declining revenue from cable TV.

House Government Operations Draft Memo:

