Community Media Public Benefit Bill: H.575 and S.181: Vermont Committee of Conference - Discussion of VAN FY25 Request

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Discussion of VAN FY25 Request at the Committee of Conference.

On Tuesday, at its first meeting, the Committee of Conference (CoC) on the FY25 Budget discussed the VAN appropriation, as one of the differences in the House/Senate versions of the FY25 Budget that they will have to resolve. As you know, the House appropriated $1 million in one-time funds, and the Senate $1 million in base funding. Rep. Lanpher related this issue to S.181, saying she understood the Senate’s position relied on that bill, which currently sits in the House Energy and Environment Committee. Sen. Kitchel had been under the impression the bill was in the House Ways & Means Committee. Rep. Scheu said she thought “the bill would move soon” (we don’t believe it will). Rep. Lanpher also said “the commitment to the Vermont Access Network” is there, so it’s something of a technicality to resolve exactly how the appropriation will be made. The Committee left this item open for further discussion. 

The CoC uses a document to track items they have to resolve - differences between the House and Senate versions of the FY25 budget as passed. The VAN appropriation difference can be found on Line 19 of this document, which can be found here:

