Community Media Public Benefit Bill: H.575 and S.181: Vermont Committee of Conference - Approval of VAN FY25 Request
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Approval of VAN FY25 Request at the Committee of Conference.
Later on Tuesday, in a blink-and-you-missed it moment, the CoC closed (approved) the language about VAN in Section E.232 of the budget:
Sec. E.232 SECRETARY OF STATE; VERMONT ACCESS NETWORK BUDGET (a) The Office of the Secretary of State shall request that Vermont Access Network submit a proposed operating budget required to maintain its current level of operation and programming. The Office of the Secretary of State shall include the proposed operating budget as part of its fiscal year 2026 budget presentation. (Line 102 in the Document linked below).
The CoC uses a document to track items they have to resolve - differences between the House and Senate versions of the FY25 budget as passed. The VAN appropriation difference can be found on Line 19 of this document, which can be found here:
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