The Juxtaposition: First African Landing Day 2024 - Legacy Maker

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Rev. Mark Hughes hosts an episode of The Juxtaposition.

From Mark Hughes:

The 6th Annual Vermont First African Landing Day is on August 24, 2024, at Intervale Center in Burlington, Vermont. The 2024 theme “Stay The Course” is inspired by the Adinkra symbol Nkyinkyim (which directly translates to “Life’s journey is twisted). This year’s theme speaks to the wisdom of considering the tenacity of our ancestors as we remain responsive to the continuously-changing nature of the path that we march towards justice.

Today we're discussing the event and the tradition. What is First African Landing Day and what is its tradition? How did it make it to Vermont? We'll tell you what you need to know and what you need to do to get there, this year.

For more information about First African Landing Day visit:

For more information about Vermont Racial Justice Alliance visit:

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Kevin Harms