Catalysts of the Climate Economy National Innovation Summit 2017: Solution Pitch: Financing and Marketing Comprehensive Home Efficiency Transformations
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What is the best way to universalize comprehensive home energy and efficiency retrofits while creating jobs and reducing carbon emissions?
Moderated by Carol Weston, Director of Programs and Implementation at Efficiency Vermont.
Tammy Agard is the co-founder and CEO of EEtility, a “B” (Benefit) Corporation and Energy Efficiency Program Operator located in Little Rock, Arkansas that specializes in operating on bill Energy Efficiency programs for the Rural Electric Cooperative sector.
Sue E. Coakley, Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships is Executive Director and a member of the Board of Directors. She provides strategic direction for NEEP's development, management and operations, and manages relationships with NEEP's broad base of funders. In her role, she leads NEEP’s efforts to transform markets to provide high-efficiency solutions on a regional scale.
Andy Frank is founder and CEO of Sealed, an energy services company that finances home upgrades with guaranteed energy savings.
Dan Gray - Before joining Empower, Dan Gray served as the Business and Utility Consultant for Williams Allwein & Moser, an advanced energy law firm based in Columbus, where he combined his knowledge of utility rates and regulations with his background in financial modeling to drive value for the customers in complicated energy development projects.
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