Rights & Democracy Housing Rally

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From Rights & Democracy:

Join Rights & Democracy on August 10th for a Housing Justice Rally in solidarity with renters and low income homeowners as we demand action on Vermont's housing crisis! We will gather with community to build grassroots power, hear from guest speakers including state representatives and community members who know firsthand the effects and importance of Vermont's current housing crisis, and take action to demand that VT lawmakers pass policies that will improve the situation for everyday Vermonters. Free lunch provided by the People's Kitchen!

For more information visit: www.mobilize.us/rightsdemocracy/event/647820

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  • Production Date: 08/10/2024
  • Catalog Number: none
  • Archive Number:
  • Series: none
  • Length: 01:09:14
  • Town: Burlington
  • Geography: National
  • Event Type: General
  • Content Type: Other



Charlie Giannoni