Ad Hoc Climate Justice: March of the Trees

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From Jerome Lipani:

On VERMONT'S ARBOR DAY, MAY 7, a whole forest of TREES temporarily uproots itself to March in Montpelier to demonstrate that if we stop large-scale logging of our forests and let the TREES stand and grow to true maturity they will help us clear the air of climate-changing CO2.
The Trees March to the STATE HOUSE where Rachel Smolker, Co-director of Biofuelwatch, and other forest activists bring the latest forest science into perspective with US colonialist & extractivist history in high contrast to the willfully ignored teachings of our oppressed indigenous cultures.
The Bread & Puppet Theater Circus Band exemplifies the irrepressible energy required for creative resistance against corporate destruction of our forests in Vermont & worldwide.
Co-sponsors of this event include Standing Trees Vermont, Extinction Rebellion VT, TRAC, 350VT, Wendell Forest Alliance, MyCoEvolve, and Upper Valley Affinity Group
Special Thanks to Ulrike von Moltke, Laura Simon and Jill Wilcox for organizing the event; Bread & Puppet Theater for bringing the band; Joseph Gainza for supplying the sound system; Karen Bixler for offering the land acknowledgement on behalf of the trees; and for taking the lead in working to preserve Vermont's public lands uncut. 




Jerome Lipani

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