Vermont Access Network (VAN): Interstate 89 Exit 16 (Colchester) Public Hearing Proposed Double Crossover Diamond Interchange
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VTrans gathers public input on a widening of US Routes 2 and 7 from the Winooski Town line northward for one mile to the intersection at Sunderland Woods. An innovative double crossover diamond interchange (DCD) is being proposed to increase safety, reduce traffic congestion, and support economic growth in the Towns of Colchester and Winooski.
A double crossover diamond interchange (DCD), is a type of diamond interchange in which the two directions of traffic on the State Highway (Rtes 2 & 7) cross to the opposite side under both sides of the interstate bridge overpass. It is unique in that it requires traffic on Routes 2 & 7 to briefly drive on the opposite side of the road from what is customary. This allows drivers of vehicles on Routes 2 & 7 who want to turn left onto the interstate ramps the chance to continue to the ramps without conflicting with opposing through traffic and without stopping. The advantage of a DCD over a conventional diamond interchange is that it improves traffic congestion and increases safety by eliminating the left-turn signal phases at the existing signalized ramp terminal intersections.
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