Cris Ericson - Homeless in Vermont

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From Cris Ericson:

Homeless in Vermont October 2024 discussed by write-in candidate Cris Ericson for U.S. Senator.

Many news media in Vermont are now warning and informing the public that there are homeless adults and children being put out of temporary shelters and temporary hotels and motels in Vermont, and even with a tent, could freeze or suffer pneumonia or frostbite or hypothermia. Write-in candidate, Cris Ericson for U.S. Senator, discusses her ideas to help.

Cris Ericson, write-in candidate for United States Senator, discusses where she thinks funding can be found for all U.S. Military Veterans to give them a guarantee of housing so that none of them are homeless. Cris Ericson discusses where she thinks funding can be found to provide homes for all people living with disabilities so that none of them will be left homeless. Cris explains that providing for homeless U.S. Military Veterans and also for people living with disabilities can be achieved by repealing the Bayh-Dole Act of 1980. Before the Bayh-Dole Act of 1980, the U.S. Patent Law stated that the ownership of Patents belonged to the people who PAID for the research, design and development. Now, the profits from selling bombs and missles and drones and jets to our allies, and the profits from selling prescription drugs and medical devices worldwide, goes to huge corporations who do NOT give us "R.O.I.", a return on the investment of our Taxpayer dollars which are used to do the R&D, the research, design and development. Cris Ericson wants you to give her write-in votes for U.S. Senator and send her on down to Washington, D.C. to repeal the Bayh-Dole Act and sponsor Legislation to require a share of corporate profits goes to the U.S. Treasury to create two Trust accounts to guarantee payment for homes for all U.S. Military Veterans and people living with disabilities. Then, Cris Ericson goes on to mention that the United States Constitution requires us to provide for the common welfare of the people.

Preamble The preamble to the Constitution lists "promoting the general welfare" as one of its five objectives. Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 - This clause states that Congress has the power to "provide for the common defense and general Welfare of the United States". Cris complains that this is October in Vermont and in a few days the SNOW starts falling in some areas! Some people and small children are at a terrible risk of hypothermia and pneumonia if they sleep outdoors in tents, homeless, unsheltered. The cost of a hospital bill to treat frost bite or gang green or hypothermia or pneumonia is in the thousands of dollars per night. Cris Ericson then talks about the cost-effective immediate solution Governor Phil Scott can do by just picking up the telephone and ordering 1,000 camper trailers and buying a piece of land over 100 acres to put them in.

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Cris Ericson

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