Cris Ericson: Forming New Minor Political Party in Vermont - United States Marijuana Party

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From Cris Ericson:

Cris Ericson, acting chairperson, is starting a new minor political party in Vermont, the United States Marijuana Party, in light of recent reports that a man in Rutland, Vermont was denied some unemployment benefits because he tested positive for cannabis, even though it is legal under state law. His employer tested him for drugs under federal law. The case is now being brought to the Vermont State Supreme Court.

In the meantime, acting chairperson Cris Ericson is trying to raise awareness to the fact that this one case could devastate people in Vermont - where 10,000 Vermonters receive types of federally subsidized benefits such as food stamps, fuel assistance, federally subsidized housing, college grants, medicaid, etc. If this one man is punished for using medical cannabis marijuana because it is NOT legal under federal law, then thousands of Vermonters could be at risk, and if they start losing benefits, then grocery stores and landlords and medical facilities and colleges will suffer from the loss of federally subsidized benefits in Vermont. This feels like entrapment.

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Cris Ericson