Citizens' Assemblies: Public Information Session

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From the organizer:

Citizens’ assemblies are panels of everyday people chosen by lottery to learn deeply about, thoroughly discuss, and finally offer policy recommendations to government on ways to address a public issue.

While still rare in the US, citizens’ assemblies have been convened nearly 1,000 times globally over the past decade on a wide variety of topics such as climate adaptation, assisted dying, and the revival of dormant public spaces – offering a replicable model for overcoming the gridlock and division inherent to electoral politics.

Join us for an interactive public information session with Burlington’s own Terry Bouricius, a globally known citizens’ assembly theorist, and Alex Renirie, Program Co-Director at Healthy Democracy — one of the leading organizers of citizens’ assemblies in the USA.

For more information visit:

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  • Production Date: 05/31/2023
  • Catalog Number: none
  • Archive Number:
  • Series: none
  • Length: 01:51:27
  • Town: Burlington
  • Geography: Burlington
  • Event Type: General
  • Content Type: Other
  • Live Type: Web



Luna Zeitlyn

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