Burlington Mayor's Press Conference: Champlain Street Park Grand Reopening Celebration

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From the Mayor's Office:

Mayor Emma Mulvaney-Stanak will officially reopen the reconstructed Champlain Street playground and park at 187. S. Champlain St in Burlington. The Mayor will be joined by Burlington Parks, Recreation and Waterfront staff and representatives from project donors: T-Mobile (Hometown Grant), KSNRC and CVOEO. 

Event featuring remarks from City officials and donors, ribbon cutting. With Burlington Mayor Emma Mulvaney-Stanak; Sam Hotham, T-Mobile; Cindi Wight, Director, Burlington Parks, Recreation & Waterfront Director; Brian Pine, King St. Neighborhood Revitalization Corporation (KSNRC); and Paul Dragon, Champlain Valley Office of Economic Opportunity (CVOEO).

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Charlie Giannoni