Bread and Puppet Theatre: In and Out Off We Go Riding Through the All

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This video documents Part 5 of Peter Schumann's Rabble-Rouser Mural series, In and Out Off We Go Riding Through the All! which has been an evolutionary installation there since February of 2020.

Natural deterioration of these large paintings on thin paper applied as papier maché to the brick walls of the former Rabble-Rouser building is part of Peter Schumann's intention and messaging for this process art series.

For further information, or If you have a suggestion of a possible future venue, contact Alexis Smith at:
...or to see current or recent exhibitions of Peter Schumann's painted Bedsheets around Vermont, go to "Exhibits." or directly via:

film/edit: jeromeLipani

For almost 100 films documenting the work of Bread and Puppet over the last 12 years, please go to jeromelipaniYoutube. Thanks so much for your Views and Likes, and please do Subscribe to this Channel so that the work of Bread and Puppet can reach a worldwide Public!

For more information: Jerome Lipani, Independent Artist <>.




Jerome Lipani