
UVM Student Takeover of Waterman Building: President George Davis Press Conference, 9:00 AM, Plus Outdoors Video and Minority Students' Discussion 05/12/1991

MYO Candlelight Vigil for the World Summit on Children 01/01/1990

Showdown at Seabrook, NH Nuclear Power Plant 06/04/1989

Cross Currents on Nicaragua's Miskuito Coast 11/09/1988

Newsreel Films #4 - "The Yippi Film", Commentary by Roz Payne 11/01/1988

So. African Envoy Duke Kent-Brown: WJOY Talk Radio, Protest, and Fracas Afterwards 03/07/1988

Country Joe McDonald Performs at Battery Park 08/06/1987

Country Joe McDonald - "Blood on the Icepack in Labrador" 08/06/1987

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