
Vote For Vermont - Green Mountain Power 08/17/2015

Veritas: If You Like Your Woodstove, You Can Keep Your Woodstove 03/06/2015

FOCUS: Phase 2 of Vermont Gas Pipeline Scrapped - Scrap Phase 1 Now 02/24/2015

Kick-Off Party South Burlington Energy Prize 01/24/2015

South Burlington Energy Prize 01/08/2015

City Council Transportation, Energy and Utilities Committee 09/10/2014

Spotlight on Issues: Efficiency in Vermont’s Energy Future 07/09/2014

Senator Bernie Sanders: Burlington Electric Energy Efficiency Grant 10/01/2012

Senator Bernie Sanders: EPA Administrator at Vermont National Guard Solar Installation 08/23/2012

Senator Bernie Sanders: Press Conference on the Benefits of the Smart-Grid in Vermont 08/20/2012

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