Social Justice

Goodbye Dance at the Guatemalan Sanctuary, by Mariano Velasquez 03/26/1986

Boston "Support Big Mountain Resistance" Rally, with Vernon Bellecourt 03/21/1986

Indian Drum Song Edit 03/21/1986

Nicaraguan Trip Report- Cleary, Ankeney, and Williams 03/20/1986

Charlotte Dennett - Women, Economics, and the Forces Against the E.R.A. 03/18/1986

Vergennes Veterinarian Roger Ellis's First Trip to Nicaragua 03/16/1986

Dancathon to Help Cure Muiltiple Sclerosis 03/16/1986

Racism Interviews - Woman ??, Winooski 03/14/1986

Socially Responsible Investing Conference - Press Conference with Amy Domini 03/11/1986

Pledge of Resistance, Jaan Laaspere 03/09/1986

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CCTV Center for Media & Democracy Participates in Democracy Day

CCTV Center for Media and Democracy on September 13 at 1 p.m. hosts a panel of local community thought leaders on the state of local democracy and their experiences navigating the policital system and working for social and political change. Participating panelists include: Sandy Baird, activist and lawyer; CD Mattison, DNC delegate and political campaigner; Ali Dieng, Former Burlington City Councilor and New American Leader; Pelin Kohn, VT League of Women Voters. This program and the articles below are part of U.S. Democracy Day, a nationwide collaborative on Sept. 15, the International Day of Democracy, in which news organizations cover how democracy works and the threats it faces. To learn more, visit


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