Williston Development Review Board
The Williston DRB consists of a seven member Board appointed by the Selectboard for staggered three year terms. This Board is responsible for reviewing and approving most proposed development projects, hearing appeals of the Zoning Administrator, and issuing Certificates of Appropriateness. The Historic and Architectural Advisory Committee (HAAC) and Williston Conservation Commission (WCC) are advisory to the DRB.Programs in this Series
Williston Development Review Board 2008-04-22
The Williston Development Review Board meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at Town Hall. Channel 17 records one of these meetings each month. To find out more about Planning proposals, agendas and minutes click here.
Williston Development Review Board 2008-02-12
The Williston Development Review Board meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at Town Hall. Channel 17 records one of these meetings each month. To find out more about Planning proposals, agendas and minutes click here.
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