Service Rendered
Bruce WilsonDescription
Service Rendered is dedicated to helping individuals ages 14 - 25 with their goals and aspirations, while educating them on issues around drugs, alcohol, tobacco, HIV/AIDS, and STD's. We provide safe, encouraging centers and internship/community service opportunities in order to motivate our community towards a positive future. WE BELIEVE in education and community. WE BELIEVE in individuality and creativity. WE BELIEVE in the power and future of our youth.Programs in this Series
Arts So Wonderful - Grand Re-opening of Gallery and Performing Center
The gallery and performing center relaunches at the University Mall in South Burlington with a reception featuring artwork, live music and refreshments. Featuring Bruce Wilson of Arts So Wonderful, with artists Elizabeth, Jennifer Barr, and Michael...
Straight Talk Vermont - Jim Condos
Host Bruce Wilson, Executive Director of Service Rendered, is joined by Former Vermont Secretary of State, Jim Condos.
Straight Talk Vermont - Program Updates and Upcoming Events
Host Bruce Wilson, Executive Director of Service Rendered, is joined by Vikii Schwarz, Technical/Social Media Director of Arts So Wonderful to discuss Arts So Wonderful's new art gallery space, upcoming community events, and other program...
Straight Talk Vermont - David Zuckerman
Host Bruce Wilson interviews former Lt. Governor David Zuckerman.
Straight Talk Vermont - Elaine Wang
Host Bruce Wilson interviews Elaine Wang, City Manager of Winooski.
Straight Talk Vermont - Scott Finn
Hosts Bruce Wilson and Winooski Mayor Kristine Lott interview Scott Finn, CEO of Vermont Public.
Straight Talk Vermont - Kristine Lott
Host Bruce Wilson with Service Rendered Executive Assistant Lauren Thibault have a conversation about upcoming events with Arts So Wonderful.
Straight Talk Vermont - Hal Colston
Host Bruce Wilson with Service Rendered Executive Assistant Lauren Thibault have a conversation with Hal Colston, State Rep for Chittenden 6-7.
Straight Talk Vermont - Arts So Wonderful Update
Host Bruce Wilson with Service Rendered Executive Assistant Lauren Thibault have a conversation about upcoming events with Arts So Wonderful.
Straight Talk Vermont - Elaine Haney
Host Bruce Wilson discusses Emerge VT with Executive Director Elaine Haney.
For more information:
Arts So Wonderful - Youth Take Over City Hall
Arts So Wonderful presents a slate of young creatives performing live music and poetry.
Straight Talk Vermont - Maura Collins
Host Bruce Wilson discusses affordable housing with Maura Collins, Executive Director of Vermont Housing Financial Agency.
Straight Talk Vermont - Kesha Ram-Hinsdale, State Senator
Host Bruce Wilson with co-host Tim Cece interview Kesha Ram, Vermont State Senator and candidate for US Congress.
Straight Talk Vermont - Joe Carton, COO of Westport Hospitality
Host Bruce Wilson interviews Joe Carton, Chief Operating Officer of Westport Hospitality.
Straight Talk Vermont - Charlie Baker of the CCRPC
Host Bruce Wilson interviews Charlie Baker, Executive Director at Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission.
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