Sandy Baird Commentary


Sandy Baird


Sandy Baird is a veteran commentator on local and international issues, a lawyer, and a former teacher at Burlington College. Contact her at

Programs in this Series

Format: 2024-12-22
Format: 2024-12-22
The State of Israel - 05/13/2008
Sandy Baird comments on the state of Israel. Contact her at sbaird [at] burlington [dot] edu.
Child Abuse? Freedom of Religion? - 04/30/2008
Sandy Baird comments uses the recent Texas sect case as an example of a justice system penalizing women while perpetrators remain free. Contact her at sbaird [at] burlington [dot] edu.
Sister Cities and Peace - 04/15/2008
Sandy Baird is a veteran commentator on local and international issues. Contact her at sbaird [at] burlington [dot] edu.
Latin America and the USA - 04/02/2008
Sandy Baird is a veteran commentator on local and international issues. Contact her at sbaird [at] burlington [dot] edu.
The Clintons - 03/14/2008
Sandy Baird is a veteran commentator on local and international issues, a lawyer and a teacher at Burlington College.
Barack Obama - 02/22/2008
Sandy Baird is a veteran commentator on local and international issues, a lawyer and a teacher at Burlington College.
President's Day - 02/08/2008
Sandy Baird is a veteran commentator on local and international issues, a lawyer and a teacher at Burlington College.
Abortion in Film- A Woman's Right NOT to Choose - 01/08/2008
Sandy Baird is a veteran commentator on local and international issues, a lawyer and a teacher at Burlington College.
Presidential Candidates- Elephants and Mammoths in the Room - 12/18/2007
Sandy Baird is a veteran commentator on local and international issues, a lawyer and a teacher at Burlington College.
Military Recruiters in Schools - 12/04/2007
Sandy Baird is a veteran commentator on local and international issues, a lawyer and a teacher at Burlington College.
JFK Conspiracy - 11/20/2007
Sandy Baird is a veteran commentator on local and international issues, a lawyer and a teacher at Burlington College.
Armistice Day - 11/06/2007
Sandy Baird is a veteran commentator on local and international issues, a lawyer and a teacher at Burlington College.
Witches - 10/24/2007
Sandy Baird is a veteran commentator on local and international issues, a lawyer and a teacher at Burlington College.
Freedom of Expression - 10/09/2007
Sandy Baird is a veteran commentator on local and international issues, a lawyer and a teacher at Burlington College.
South End Art Hop Controversy - 10/09/2007
Sandy Baird is a veteran commentator on local and international issues, a lawyer and a teacher at Burlington College.