Programs in this Series
For Community Revitalization, Feelings Matter
From KATV:
When presenter Gillian Sewake was growing up in the St. Johnsbury area, it was hard to find anyone who had a good word about the town. And, it did have its challenges! But, St. Johnsbury was then, and remains, a hub for creativity and...
The Constellations: History, Mythology, and Identification
From OLLI:
Theresa Zittritsch goes over the history of constellations and how they’ve come to be formally recognized, and so much more. Recorded on October 04, 2023.
How Vermont is Addressing Its Affordable Housing Needs
From OLLI:
"In this lively presentation housing policy expert Maura Collins, Executive Director of the Vermont Housing Finance Agency, learn about the basic drivers of unaffordable housing in Vermont and what organizations and communities are...
Refugees and Immigrants in Vermont - with Pablo Bose
From OLLI:
"Refugees have been arriving in Vermont for over forty years. They have helped to transform towns like Burlington and Winooski in multiple ways. But the program has been undergoing profound changes over the past five years –...
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Join us for Town Meeting TV's Annual Winter Celebration!
Join us at the Town Meeting TV Studio from 5-7PM on Thursday, December 19th for TMTV's annual winter celebration!