Governor Peter Shumlin
Programs in this Series
Signing of S.220, Economic Development Bill
Gov. Peter Shumlin signs a S.220 and Economic Development Bill establishing a $4.5 milliion fund to retain and attract business, in addition to creating a $500,000 loan fund for entrepreneurial businesses.
2014 VT State House - Press Conf. Net Metering Bill
Gov. Peter Shumlin signs a new law that will expand renewable energy use in Vermont, support job creation, and help consumers reduce their energy bill.
Press Conference About Economic Development
Mar 27, 2014 - Gov. Shumlin Press Conference on Economic Development
Press Conference on Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention
Gov. Peter Shumlin holds a press conference on expansion of early intervention and treatment for young adults at risk of alcohol and drug abuse.
Gov. Shumlin Meets with Legislators on Status of Vermont Health Connect
Jan 7, 2014 - Gov. Shumlin meets with Legislators on status Vermont Health Connect
Circ Highway Alternative Plan
Gov. Peter Shumlin today released a task force report outlining 34 alternative projects to ease traffic congestion in the ‘Circ’ region that provide maximum economic benefit with minimum environmental damage. Chittenden County...
Proposal for Additional Monies Towards Downtown Tax Credit Program
Governor Peter Shumlin holds his weekly press conference at the former Sha Na Na's Nightclub, 101 Main Street in Burlington, part of the Hilton Gardens development project. Joined by key lawmakers, supporters of Vermont’s downtown...
State House Coverage - Vermont's 1,000th Captive Insurance Company
Gov. Peter Shumlin: the Department of Financial Regulation (DFR) has licensed Vermont’s 1,000th captive insurance company. Cassatt Insurance Group is a group of nine independent non-profit hospitals in southeastern Pennsylvania that share risk...
Federal Government Shutdown and Impacts on Vermont
Governor Peter Shumlin and Major General Steve Cray, the Adjutant General of Vermont, discuss issues that have been surfacing incommunities and media regarding the Government Shutdown and the impact on the state and its agencies. A variety of state...
Governor's Weekly Press Conference: Vermont Bird Atlas
Governor Peter Shumlin holds his weekly press conference at the Dorothy Alling Memorial Library in Williston to announce the Vermont Bird Atlas.
Burlington Mayor's Week in the Schools Opening Event
Gov. Peter Shumlin joins with Pressdent Pro Tem Campbell, House Speaker Smith and Burlington Mayor Miro Weinberger at the Mayor's 'Week in the Schools' opening event.
Announcement Regarding Tax Increment Financing Districts
In support of several mayors and town officials, Gov. Peter Shumlin proposes legislation relating to the state’s tax increment financing (TIF) districts to ensure communities benefiting from the TIFs have clear rules to follow while ensuring...
Potential Impact of Federal Sequestration on Vermont National Guard
Gov. Peter Shumlin and incoming Adjutant General Steven Cray outline the potential impact of the federal sequestration on the Vermont National Guard. That sequestration is set to take effect on Friday, March 1, 2013.
Press Conference at Trinity Children's Center
Gov. Peter Shumlin holds a press conference at Trinity Children's Center. Childcare has been a top issue proposed by the Governor in this session.
Press Conference at Chittenden Emergency Food Shelf
Gov. Peter Shumlin holds a press conference at Chittenden Emergency Food Shelf.
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