Senator Bernie Sanders
Bernie Sanders was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2006 after serving 16 years in the House of Representatives. He is the longest serving independent member of Congress in American history.
U.S. Senate, 2007-present
Programs in this Series
Sanders' Town Meeting- How Can We....?
How Can we...Create an economy that works for working people and the middle class?
Provide health care for all?
Reverse global warming?
Bring our troops home from Iraq?
Secure benefits for our veterans?
Sanders' Town Meeting- Building a Movement for Workers' Rights, Livable Wages, and Universal Healthcare.
Senator Sanders leads a panel made up of CWA President Larry Cohen, VT NEA President Angelo Dorta, VT UPV-AFT President Jen Henry, and Angela DiGiulio, Student Labor Action Project.
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Join us at the Town Meeting TV Studio from 5-7PM on Thursday, December 19th for TMTV's annual winter celebration!