Winooski City Council
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Agenda Items
- Call to Order/Liquor Control Board/Agenda - 0:00
- Consent Agenda - 6:21
- Council Reports - 7:19
- City Updates - 16:20
- Public Hearing: Vermont Community Development Program (VDCP) Implementation Grant - 27:04
- Resolution to Apply for a Vermont Community Development Program (VDCP) Implementation Grant - 29:32
- Update for VT-CBD Labs at 133 Elm Street - 30:22
- Charter Commission Recommendations: All-Resident Voting, Administrative Changes, and Self-Governance Rights - 54:07
- FY21 Local Agreement Tax Rate - 119:57
- Transportation Impact Fee Presentation - 121:57
- Hickok Street Reconstruction Phase 2 Bid Award - 162:46
- 2020 Street Resurfacing Bid Award - 165:46
- On-Street Paid Parking Expansion - Downtown - 167:10
- Grant Approval: Better Roads Grant - Elm Street Stormwater Outfall Rehab - 176:16
- Position Descriptions of "Recreational Programs Manager" and "Parks and Community Garden Manager" - 178:03
- Housing Tasks Update and Discussion - 182:03
- Executive Session (Former Employee Grievance Hearing) - 189:28
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Winooski City Council are the elected residents representative and accountable to the City of Winooski at large. Their Meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Monday of every month at Winooski City Hall. To learn more about Winooski's City Council and to view their agendas and minutes, visit
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