Williston Development Review Board

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Agenda Items

  1. DP 10-44 Amendment; Robert Miller, The Miller Realty Group, LLP, 599 Avenue D, Williston, requests review for a Discretionary Permit to expand parking on the south side of 75-87 Holly Court as well as on the east side of 327 Holly Court in the Industrial Zoning District West (IZDW). - 0:33
  2. DP 10 – 43 Amendment; Casella Waste Management, Inc., 408 East Montpelier Road, Montpelier, VT, requests review for a Discretionary Permit for the installation of 11 additional fuel stanchions to the previously approved ones at 231 – 333 Avenue C, in the Industrial Zoning District West (IZDW). - 12:36
  3. DP 11 – 19; IBM, 1000 River Street, Essex Jct., VT, requests review for a Discretionary Permit for a Master Sign Plan at 269 - 422 IBM Road in the Industrial Zoning District East (IZDE). - 19:11
  4. DP 11 – 20; Vermont Technical College, Lawrence Place, Williston and Randolph Center, VT, and Peoples United Bank, 421 Blair Park Road, Williston, requests review for a Pre-Application for a two-lot subdivision in the Business Park Zoning District (BPZD). - 27:16
  5. DP 11 – 10; J.L. Davis Realty as Taft Corners Associates, Inc. (TCA), 2 Church Street, 5th Fl, Lot 30 Project along Rt 2A (aka St. George Road), requests review for a Discretionary Permit of two buildings and grid street development in the Taft Corners Zoning District (TCZD) CONTINUED FROM THE MAY 10TH DRB HEARING. - 58:13
  6. DP 11 – 10; J.L. Davis Realty as Taft Corners Associates, Inc (TCA), 2 Church Street, 5th Fl, Lot #30 project along Rt 2A, requests review for a Master Sign Plan for Lot #30 in the Taft Corners Zoning District (TCZD) CONTINUED FROM THE MAY 10TH DRB MEETING. - 129:10
  7. Communications and Other Business - 144:44
  8. Deliberations - 146:25
  9. Minutes from May 24, 2011 DRB meeting - 155:23

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Development Review Board (DRB) - The Williston DRB consists of a seven member Board appointed by the Selectboard for staggered three year terms. This Board is responsible for reviewing and approving all proposed development projects. This includes conditional use, variance, site plan, and subdivision approvals. The Board also reviews Certificates of Appropriateness as recommended by the Historical Preservation Committee. 

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1 Saturday June 18, 2011 at 8:00 PM
2 Sunday June 19, 2011 at 1:00 AM
3 Sunday June 19, 2011 at 7:00 AM


Charlie Giannoni

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