Vermont League of Voters of Vermont - What is Non-Citizen Voting?
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From the League of Women Voters of Vermont:
In Vermont, the cities of Winooski and Montpelier allow non-citizen residents to vote in local elections. Both cities undertook a long, complicated process to gain that right for their non-citizen residents. Burlington will consider a question to approve non-citizen voting at Town Meeting Day on Tuesday, March 7.
Marguerite Adelman, League of Women Voters of Vermont and Chair of the Non-Citizen Voting Committee, presents information about the two Vermont towns that currently have All Resident Voting, historical facts about non-citizen voting, what is happening in other states and nationally with non-citizen voting, and arguments for and against non-citizen voting.
The League of Women Voters monitors non-citizen voting across the United States, helps non-citizens register to vote in Winooski and Montpelier, and presents educational programs across Vermont on this topic.
CO-SPONSORS: League of Women Voters of Vermont, Immigration Justice Team of the First Unitarian Universalist Society of Burlington, and Chittenden Asylum Seekers Assistance Network
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