Reconnecting Waterways: A Workshop on Removing Dams & Right-Sizing Culverts: State & Federal Site Permitting Review

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From the Organizer:

Speakers include Angela Repell and Josh Carvajal.

The presenters will discuss federal permit requirements under S. 404 of the CWA/S. 10 of the RHA, the application review process for dam removals and stream crossing structures under the Vermont General Permits, State and Local permitting requirements for dam removal and stream crossing structures including municipal Flood Hazard Area bylaws, VTDEC Stream Alteration, Wetlands, Dam Safey, Stormwater Construction and Municipal Roads permits, and NRB Act 250 reviews. The presentation will also touch on other federal laws (ESA, historic properties, etc.) often triggered through permitting.  

CCTV Productions CCTV25-14




Kevin Harms