Chittenden County Historical Society: Land Trusts in Chittenden County

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From the Chittenden County Historical Society:

A land trust is a nonprofit organization that obtains land and conservation easements on land to protect views, natural resources, water quality, and other aspects of land so that people present and future can benefit. Land trusts also do important work preserving Vermont's history. Learn about the history of land trusts in the state and in Chittenden County. Darby Bradley of Vermont Land Trust will provide an overview of land trusts in Vermont and their importance, while Livy Strong and Kate Lampton will talk about their specific land trusts' history, vision, and projects.

Sponsored by the Chittenden County Historical Society and featuring Darby Bradley, unofficial historian of the Vermont Land Trust, Livy Strong, head of Jericho Underhill Land Trust, and Kate Lampton, head of Charlotte Land Trust.

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Charlie Giannoni