Addiction Recovery Channel: Interview with Sam Quinones

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From Ed Baker:

"Join Ed Baker for a truly exceptional interview with Sam Quinones, author of “Dreamland” and “The Least of Us.” “Dreamland” chronicled the tragic explosion of Pharmaceutical Opioid and Heroin overdose death in America, exposing the Purdue Pharmaceutical Company and multiple International Crime Organizations based in Mexico. It is a “must read” for anyone seriously interested in America’s overdose death epidemic. In “The Least of Us” Sam once again dives deeply into America’s tragedy, exposing International Crime Organizations based in China and Mexico, and their role in saturating the unregulated drug supply with fentanyl and methamphetamine. Again, a “must read.” In all of this tragedy, Sam succeeds in shining light upon the resilience of communities, community members, and people who use drugs.

Daniel Franklin, Vice President for Advocacy and Community Relations, The Vermont Association for Mental Health and Addiction Recovery & Recovery Vermont, then announces Recovery Vermont's Leadership conference taking place on April 4th, which will feature Sam Quinones, Johann Hari, and Kesha Ram, and will spotlight the recovery village as a promising model for community responses to the addiction epidemic."

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Kevin Harms