Essex Town Planning Meeting for the Upper Main Street Project

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From the Town of Essex:

We will have the first chance to look at the conceptual site plan alternatives for the site and provide feedback on the these plans. Come on October 3 from 7:00- 8:30 pm at the Essex Middle School cafeteria to help choose the preferred master plan!

On August 1, we met for the kick-off of the Upper Main Street planning project at the new Farmhouse Event Center at the Essex Resort and Spa. This was the first interactive public meeting to talk about the future of the Town of Essex municipal site at 80/90 Upper Main Street. The meeting began with a brief presentation to introduce the planning process and review past work. Small group discussions followed where attendees shared ideas that will help inform the team on what will be on the site and what it will look like. Watch the recording here:

The Town’s consultant team is entered into a 6-month process in June to develop a conceptual master plan for the 32-acre site. We want to hear your ideas about what you would like to see here in addition to a municipal complex throughout this process.

Other opportunities for public feedback will occur this fall. 

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Andrew Zurheide