Nadando Contra la Corriente con Justicia Migrante: Episodio 8 - March for Milk with Dignity

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Enrique Balcazar en compañia de Yesenia Hernandez-Ramos, líder de Justicia Migrante, hablan todo sobre la marcha de 13 millas para demandar a B&J a firmar el acuerdo de Leche con Dignidad. Esau y Yesenia acaban de ser liberedos bajo fianza despues de ser arrestados por la patrulla fronteriza el mismo dia que marcharon las 13 millas con Justicia Migrante y hoy nos cuentan su experiencia. Invitan a la comunidad a participar en dos eventos emocionantes, El Gran Torneo de Futbol! y Asamblea Addison! ¡Miren el programa y únanse con la lucha por los derechos humanos con Justicia Migrante!

Enrique Balcazar, in the company of Yesenia Hernandez-Ramos, leader of Migrant Justice, talk about the 13-mile march to demand B&J to sign the Milk with Dignity agreement. Fellow Migrant Justice member Esau and Yesenia were just released on bail after being arrested by the border patrol on the same day that they marched 13 miles with Migrant Justice and today tell us their experience. They invite the community to participate in two exciting events, The Great Soccer Tournament! and Addison Assembly! Look at the program and join the fight for human rights with Migrant Justice!

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