VICII: Cuba Today!

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Join us for a discussion on the state of the “rebellious island” and the six decades prolonged US “blockage”. This program features Vermonters who just returned from an educational trip to Cuba.

Hosted by Sandy Baird, CAFS President Armando Villaseca, Burlington High School Special Educator Alan Reichard, and some other participants of this edifying voyage to the "rebellious" Island.

From February 26th to March 5th, 2023, The Vermont-based Cuban American Friendship Society led a dozen teachers and one student from the Green Mountain State on an Educational Trip to Cuba. The teachers and members of CAFS made face-to-face connections with the people of Cuba and visited Cuban schools. The exchange was conducted in Havana and gave the visitors a glimpse of the struggling island in light of the six decades of prolonged U.S. "blockage" of Cuba and the enduring Cuban revolution.

The Cuban American Friendship Society (CAFS) is a local non-profit which was founded by Sandy Baird over 30 years ago to help break down the barriers between our two countries by hosting people-to-people exchanges as well as professional, cultural, and athletic trips to Cuba. The Cuban American Friendship Society has helped hundreds of Vermonters travel to the island nation to visit schools, medical facilities, organic farms, sports facilities—as well as to see how much we have in common even as our current administration reverts back to Cold War tactics.

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Kevin Harms