Chittenden County Metropolitan Planning Organization
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Agenda Items
- Executive Director Report - 0:01
- FY 12-15 Transportation Improvement Program - 4:18
- Changes to the Agenda - 28:46
- Approval of Minutes 4/20/11 - 30:03
- TIP Amendments - 32:06
- Park, Ride and Intercept Facility Plan Presentation - 35:24
- FY 12 Unified Planning Work Program & Budget Adoption - 69:17
- Committee Reports - 75:13
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The Chittenden County Metropolitan Planning Organization (CCMPO) is the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the 18 municipalities of the Chittenden County region. Each year, the CCMPO oversees about $30 million in transportation investments. It evaluates and approves proposed transportation improvement projects and provides a forum for interagency cooperation and public input into funding decisions. It also sponsors and conducts studies, assists local municipalities with planning activities, and develops and updates the County's long range transportation plan (known as the Metropolitan Transportation Plan). Serving about 145,000 people, the CCMPO is Vermont's only MPO.
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