CCTV 40th Anniversary Celebration
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Celebrate 40 years of community media with your CCTV friends. Honor the past through our archives while ushering in the future of community media in Vermont!
Speakers in order of apperance:
- Elaine Haney, CCTV Board Chair
- Lauren-Glenn Davitian, CCTV Founder and current Public Policy Director
- Meghan O'Rourke, CCTV Co-Director
- Bobby Lussier, CCTV Development Director
- Emily Brewer, CCTV Outreach and Communications Coordinator
- Emma Mulvaney-Stanak, Burlington Mayor
- Peter Clavelle, former Burlington Mayor
- Alison Segar, Vermont Language Justice Project Director
- Drew Darrow, CCTV IT Systems Coordinator
- Nick Carter, former CCTV AmeriCorps
- Michael Billingsly, community media advocate
- Ed Baker, host of Addiction Recover Channel (ARC)
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Join us at the Town Meeting TV Studio from 5-7PM on Thursday, December 19th for TMTV's annual winter celebration!