BXBS Conference (1/2)
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Blue Cross Blue Shield of Vermont Health Care in the Millennium. Taking Control: Consumer and Employer Leadership in Health Care.
Ian Morrison - Author
Community Initiatives Underway at the VT Department of Health
Sharon Moffatt - RN MSN Deputy Commissioner - VT Dept. of Health
William R. Milnes Jr. - President and CEO, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Vermont
Sera Congi - WCAX TV Conference Moderator
Navigating Through Health Care's Perfect Storm
Michael Samuelson, BCBS of Rhode Island
WellPro - A Pathway to Affordable Health Insurance
Harvey Yorke - President Southwestern Vermont Health Care
Market Forces and Accountability for Mental Health Benefits
Dr. Alex Rodriguez - Medical Director Magellan Health Services
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Join us at the Town Meeting TV Studio from 5-7PM on Thursday, December 19th for TMTV's annual winter celebration!