Burlington's Lost Mural & Little Jerusalem
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Presented by The Lost Mural Project and the Chittenden County Historical Society, this Zoom talk focuses on the creation, rescue and conservation of the Lost Mural.
From the organizers:
"The full restoration of the Lost Mural is projected to be started and completed during the first quarter of 2022!! More than half ($90,000) of the currently estimated restoration cost of $160,000 has already been secured.
The Lost Mural Project completed the Phase 1 cleaning of the Lost Mural on time and within budget! Two conservators worked from April 15th through August 31, 2021 and the results are truly dazzling. Paint sampling, testing, color palette determination and cleaning the Lost Mural of harmful varnishes, charcoal dust and grime have all been achieved.
Visits to view the Lost Mural will be scheduled on later dates; small groups (up to five (5) people at a time) are welcome to also contact me for further information at agoldbergvt@gmail.com
Our zoom presentations about the Lost Mural can also be scheduled with other organizations.
With the completion of the cleaning phase, the 1910 Lost Mural is being regarded as a universal symbol of Vermont's artistic, cultural and immigrant heritage and as one of the three most important paintings in Vermont! The Lost Mural Project secured the support and funds from individual donors and from the heart of the Vermont and New England historic preservation community: History New England, Preservation Trust of Vermont, and its separate Paul A. Bruhn Fund, Vermont Arts Council, Vermont Community Foundation, Vermont Cultural Facilities Grant, Vermont Historical Society, Vermont Humanities Council and the State of Vermont Division of Historic Preservation (as well as the National Trust for Historic Preservation for fundraising purposes)."
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