Advocates, Legislators and Ben and Jerry's co-founders gather on Church Street demanding an end to qualified immunity for law enforcement officers in Vermont.
"Qualified immunity is an unjust legal doctrine that effectively closes the courtroom doors to victims of police abuses of power. Advocates, VT Legislators, and Ben & Jerry’s co-founders will be on Church Street demanding that the the Vermont Legislature pass legislation that would help restore victims’ access to justice. Among the list of speakers is Duane Peterson, a former police officer who co-founded the solar company SunCommon and currently serves as a member of VPIRG’s Board of Trustees."
- Sen. Kesha Ram Hinsdale (Chittenden District)
- Rep. Selene Colburn (Chittenden-6-4)
- Zoraya Hightower, Executive Director of the Peace & Justice Center and Burlington City Councilor
- Mia Schultz, president of the Rutland Area Branch of the NAACP
- Kiah Morris, Executive Director, Rights and Democracy
- Rev. Mark Hughes, Executive Director of Vermont Racial Justice Alliance
- Duane Peterson, founder of SunCommon, former police officer, and VPIRG Board member
- Jerry Greenfield, co-founder of Ben & Jerry’s and co-chair of the Campaign to End Qualified Immunity
- Ben Cohen, co-founder of Ben & Jerry’s and co-chair of the Campaign to End Qualified Immunity