DC Energy Innovations, quality installers of solar electric and wind energy systems, presents a free seminar focusing on the Burlington POWER program. The POWER program was recently approved by city voters this past Town Election Day. It is the first of its kind in Vermont. It allows the Burlington Electric Department to borrow money and loan it to city property owners (homeowners or businesses) who pay property taxes to invest in solar electric and other energy efficiency systems for their buildings. The loans are long term (up to 20 years) and at a low interest rate. The seminar will cover basic information about solar electric systems - what they look like, how they work, how much power they produce and ballpark costs. We will then be joined by Chris Burns, from the Burlington Electric Department, who will talk about the POWER program in detail. He will discuss the goals of the POWER program, how it will work and where BED is in the process of developing it.