Overdose Prevention Sites

Burlington Mayor's Press Conference: Legislature’s Override of Governor’s H. 72 Veto for a Overdose Prevention Center 06/18/2024

Vermont Interfaith Action: Faith and Climate Action 03/19/2024

Vermont Interfaith Action: Legislative Priorities 01/18/2024

Addiction Recovery Channel: Daniel Franklin Announces Recovery Vermont's Leadership Conference 02/25/2022

Addiction Recovery Channel: Opioids, Stimulants and Overdose Death - The Evidence in Favor of Overdose Prevention Sites with Dr. Richard Rawson 01/21/2022

Addiction Recovery Channel: Preventing Overdose Fatalities with Overdose Prevention Sites with Dr. Dan Ciccarone 12/17/2021

Addiction Recovery Channel: Stigma, Addiction, and Overdose Prevention Sites - A Conversation with John Kelly 11/30/2021

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