Please join award-winning producer James Gero to witness a beautiful spectacle of nature. Far from the oceans, mountainous and hilly terrain, a place seemingly devoid of water. In the spring the green mountains unburden themselves to send a melting torrent once again to fill the streams, rivers, basins, swamps, lakes, and aquifers with badly needed replenishment. They shed their sparkling snowy arctic caps the sentinels of centuries the majestic guardians of our extensive and vast watersheds pouring forth their winter reserves in an unstoppable and profoundly beautiful yet sometimes tremendously destructive form of mother nature. As Vermonters living mostly high above sea level, we sometimes forget that we are subsequently aboding in a formidable flood plain that can sometimes affect us in adverse ways. This is a time to hold our collective breaths and patiently wait. Let us wait together and then with a sigh of grateful relief knowing now that our vast watersheds have been replenished. Rejoice, rejoice with grateful thanks to this seasonal changing of the grand guard. The Green Mountain state is now ready for another season.