Burlington Mayor's Press Conference: HUD Administration Visits the Elmwood Shelter Pods in Burlington - House America Progress 11/01/2022

Vermont Housing & Conservation Board Fall Conference: 'Envisioning Vermont 2025' 10/06/2015

2014 Statewide Housing Conference: Housing 103 "Housing for People with Special Needs" 11/19/2014

2014 Statewide Housing Conference: Housing 102 "Resources for Affordable Rental Developments" 11/19/2014

2014 Statewide Housing Conference: Housing 101 "Introduction to Affordable Housing" 11/19/2014

2014 Statewide Housing Conference: Keynote Barry Zigas 11/19/2014

2012 Statewide Housing Conference Welcome/Opening Plenary Session 11/15/2012

2012 Statewide Housing Conference Keynote Address by Xavier de Souza Briggs of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) 11/15/2012

Housing and Communities Show: Winooski's Proposed Canal Street Veterans Housing Project 12/01/2010

2010 Statewide Housing Conference Keynote Address by U.S. HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan 11/18/2010

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